sabato 7 aprile 2012

OdiInvokeWebService - invoke OSB proxy services with multiple operation

As you surely know oracle data integrator (ODI) allows to consume web services through the use of an ODI tool odiinvokewebservices. This tool signature provides the ability to specify both the port that the operation to invoke.

When the web services exposed on Oracle Services Bus offers more than one operation on the same port, it's necessary to specify the correct selection algorithm to use.

 On Oracle Service Bus side is necessary to select "WS-Addressing" as selection algorithm.

On ODI client side it's so possible use a request file with an "action" element in soap header. For example 

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=''>
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa=''>
<ns1:order xmlns:ns1=''>

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